Call Committee FAQs (2016)

These were the most frequently asked questions following a detailed presentation of the call process at our recent congregation dialogues. Thank you to everyone who attended! If you have specific questions regarding the call process, please e-mail  The Call Committee will be happy to answer your questions.

Q: How long will it take for SOTV to get a Senior Pastor?
The typical call process can take 12-18 months.  SOTV is unique in that we are still among the top 20 congregations in the ELCA in the country for size with over 8,000 members. There are limited candidates available with the qualifications to lead a church of our size, making it difficult to establish a more specific timeline.  

Q: Are we only searching for candidates locally or across the country?
Our search is nationwide. We are in partnership with the Saint Paul Area Synod (SPAS) and they partner with other synods to help us search for qualified candidates. 

Q: Who reviews the candidates we receive?
The Call Committee and SPAS review each candidate. If a candidate is recommended for call, he/she will be reviewed by the Church Council. If approved by Council, a vote of the congregation will be held to approve the call. 

Q: Where are we in the process right now?
As of March 29, 2016 the Senior Pastor Call Committee has been in conversation with a highly qualified candidate, and is considering one additional candidate at this time.  

Q: What is next in the process after the Call Committee recommends a candidate for call?
Once a candidate is recommended for call and approved by the Church Council, information about the candidate will be shared with the congregation and the congregation will vote to approve the call. The call is approved by a majority vote. Once the start date for the pastor is established, a date is set to install the pastor to the congregation.

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