Year of Send (2018) – Putting Feet to Our Faith

Happy New Year 2018! Our challenge as a congregation this year has been to think about and act upon, even more, how we are Sent to share the good news by serving others and sharing our faith. At the half way mark in the year, we can look back at what we have done and look forward to more events in the new year of 2018:

September 2017

  1. Our banners in the narthex went up and encouraged all who perform an act of service to note it on a foot sticker and put it on the banner. Thanks to all who have added to the banner and encouragement to all to continue this visual of how our members are involved in acts of service.
  2. A wonderful sermon series on Spiritual Gifts that we all possess, and the encouragement of all to take the Spiritual Gifts inventory to find out what your spiritual gifts are and how to use them.

October 2017

FaithConnect Adult Series, “God’s Purpose, My Purpose” with Pastor Wendy. Approximately 40 people attended/completed the class, with large group teaching and small group discussion over 6 weeks. Topics included: God’s Purpose: God’s plan for earth and humankind, My Purpose: joining God’s mission, Discovering My Spiritual Gifts, Using My Gifts in the World, Getting Specific: discovering my purpose in this season of life, and Overcoming Barriers: empathy and self-compassion. Watch for another series to be offered in the spring!

November 2017

An inter-generational Serve Together event was held on November 19. Over 130 members attended, making 29 blankets for the Dakota County Homeless Shelters, 300 pairs of socks/underwear packaged with The Drawer non-profit, and put together many pieces of the Bundles of Love kits for needy parents with newborns. Participants also toured the food shelf.

December 2017

Three forums in the chapel highlighted how we are called to serve with former ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson, a report on the Dakota County Homeless Initiative, how SOTV members are/can be involved, and a forum with youth from our congregation sharing how summer service projects have affected their faith and their lives.

January 2018

SOTV members will have the opportunity to sign up for a huge Feed My Starving Children event held with Prince of Peace January 29 – February 3. Another wonderful opportunity to participate that includes families with children. 

February/March 2018

We will be kicking off an ambitious food drive during Lent to collect 15,000 lbs. of food for our food shelf. Look for the Pack the Pews “church” visual in the narthex that will mark our progress.

April 2018

After worship services on April 14 and 15, there is an opportunity for adults and children to participate in the Walk for Water event. This events raises money for our Tanzania Partnership providing clean water to Makifu parish and the primary school in Mpalapande.

May/June 2018

Watch for information on a fun inter-generational project called Take Out Jesus to again highlight service within our community and out in the world.

By the Send Committee: Paula Swiggum, Pastor Wendy Steger, Erin Swenson-Hatzung, Dave Turnquist, Ann Ryberg, Bill Sturman and Rich Dornfeld

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