It has been a fun year to be able to celebrate three important anniversaries in our church history. We celebrated our 10th anniversary of the pipe organ, our 20th anniversary of our Tanzania partnership, and the 40th anniversary of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. We are blessed to have you all along on this journey with us and are on our way to celebrating many more!
In honor of our 40th anniversary of SOTV, you can now see our new outdoor digital LED monument sign that is located on the corner of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and McAndrews. We hope this is a visible sign toward reconnecting with our surrounding community! We received $39,444 toward our $40,000 goal for the sign.
To commemorate our 20th anniversary of our Tanzania partnership, we raised funds to extend health care to a rural clinic by adding a laboratory building. This building is currently in the process of being built! Thank you for helping us raise the funding for this project; we got $45,785.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary of the pipe organ, we collected funding to move toward phase two of the pipe organ in the sanctuary, which will complete the current organ and add an antiphonal organ. We collected $25,841 toward our goal!
Thank you to everyone for helping to celebrate our anniversary with your donations, and attending the 40th anniversary celebration last November and the picnic in May. We are glad to be meeting together and celebrating these milestones!