On behalf of the SOTV Call Committee and Church Council, we are pleased to announce a candidate has been recommended and approved to serve as Senior Pastor at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church! A special meeting of the congregation is being called to hold a vote to approve the congregational call of the Senior Pastor candidate. Everyone is encouraged to attend, and all confirmed members of SOTV are invited to vote. You must be present to vote.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
12:15 pm Immediately Following Worship
Location: Sanctuary
If the congregation votes affirmatively, a Letter of Call is extended and a timeline for arrival to SOTV will be confirmed.
To maintain confidentiality, we are waiting to release specific candidate information until July 7, 2016. At that time, an email update, including a video introduction from the Senior Pastor candidate, will be sent to members subscribed to our “Weekly Devotion” or “Special Congregation Alerts” email lists. If you’re not sure if you receive these emails already, manage your preferences here. Information will also be available on-site at SOTV.
Thank you for all the care and support you have shown your Call Committee, Pastors, and staff leaders. We look forward to sharing more information soon and seeing you at the meeting!
Your partners in ministry,
The Senior Pastor Call Committee:
Cheryl Seely & Nikki Zeches (Co-Chairs), Eric Bartosh, Bruce Feld,
Jenny Harrits, Jennifer Maxwell, and Mike Schaeffer