A Place to Call Home (2016)

Did you know there are about 50 people in Dakota County on any given day that needs emergency and transitional shelter? (2016)

A growing coalition of Dakota County faith communities, service organizations, and local government have come together to address this urgent need, and is looking to the Shepherd of the Valley community to help ease homelessness in Dakota County. 

The coalition believes there are financial and personal resources within our faith communities that can be leveraged to create a place that can be called “home” for those in need. Once a facility is up and running there will be endless opportunities to volunteer, make donations, and provide supplies that will create a place where all are welcomed and cared for. 

The project’s immediate need is to find a single-site building to renovate into an emergency housing facility. Do you know of, or have access to: a vacant larger home, an apartment building, a vacant hotel or school, or any building that could be repurposed into a safe-haven for those experiencing homelessness within our community?

If you do, or if you are interested in joining the team, please share your ideas with Ann Ryberg, SOTV member / Homelessness Coalition Committee Member at annryberg@comcast.net.

Together we can Experience Jesus by welcoming and helping those who are in need of a “home” within our own community. Thank you!

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