A Prayer by Pastor Randy Brandt (2020)

Used in his Facebook Live discussion and shared with SOTV staff (2020)

Blessing of our Homes (and those who live there)
“… O Lord GOD, you have spoken and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever.” (2 Samuel 7:29)

Merciful God, thank you for providing all that we need from day to day, including the place where we live. Fill our hearts with contentment and may we be found caring for our homes and all who dwell therein.

Merciful God, bless our homes with safety and protection. May our home be a place of refuge, a shelter without fear. Bless the rooms in which we find rest, the places where we lie to sleep and find renewal for our bodies, minds, and hearts.

Merciful God, bless our rooms where we work for employers, consultants, independent labor, or home based jobs. May we find energy to accomplish what must be done, find fulfillment, and also be able to set healthy boundaries between work and relaxation, between jobs and home life.

Merciful God, bless the spaces in our home where study and learning takes place. May minds be focused for the challenges of reading and assignments, grant the ability for concentration, and give each grace for times away from tasks that need to be done.

Merciful God, bless our homes with health and wholeness! May the gift of protection from danger and harm be upon all in our home, and may your gifts of patience, peace, love and joy be poured out in abundance upon everyone during these days.

And finally, Merciful God, lovingly provide housing for all without dependable shelter. For those in homes where tension and anxieties are extreme, where people do not feel safe, where there are broken relationships, and suffering from mental illness or addictions, we ask your compassionate intervention and assistance to bring protection, guidance, help, and support for the benefit and health of all.

In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit we pray. AMEN!