Overview from All Who Are Weary: Mental Illness & Christian Faith

Pastor Emmy Kegler

As humans, we’re recognizing more and more the importance of caring for mental health – and nearly two years of a global pandemic has made that even more evident. We are all, in a lot of ways, worn out. How do we understand experiences of mental illness within the context of Christian faith, and how do we practice patience, compassion, and boundaries for those going through it? Pastor Emmy Kegler shared from her new book All Who Are Weary: Easing the Burden on the Walk with Mental Illness.

Listen to Pastor Emmy Kegler’s February 19, 2022 presentation below.

Emmy Kegler is a pastor, author, and speaker called to ministry at the margins of the church, especially among LGBTQIA+ Christians. She serves as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Northeast Minneapolis. Her first book, One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins, tells her story as a queer Christian called to ordained ministry and how it formed her relationship with Scripture. Her second book, All Who Are Weary: Easing the Burden on the Walk with Mental Illness, offers a pastoral and Scriptural accompaniment to those facing symptoms and diagnoses of mental illness along with the families, friends, communities, pastors, and therapists who care for them. She lives in Minneapolis and enjoys biking the lakes, reading books on her front porch, and playing board games with her wife Michelle.