2020 Annual Congregational Meeting Update

Last fall, the congregation voted to have two annual meetings instead of one. The first one, scheduled in May or June 2020, would reflect on the past program year and elect new Council members. The second one, scheduled in September or October 2020, would talk about plans for the coming program year and approve the annual budget.

In April, the Church Council voted to cancel the meeting tentatively set for June, and instead include election of Council members at the September meeting. We will continue to seek candidates for Council and other leadership teams over the summer. As they are available, any Council members set to complete their terms in July will continue serving until the congregation elects new Council members.

This decision was made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is modeled after our synod’s commentary and similar decision to postpone their spring meeting until the fall. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact Pastor Rick at rick.summy@sotv.org.