As Disciples of Jesus...

A Study with Pastor Rob Carlson

When & Where

Wednesdays, July 31, August 7, 21, 28
10:00 – 11:30 am
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Shepherd of the Valley 

What to Expect

Twenty Centuries after the resurrection, disciples, followers of Jesus, are still essential for delivering his message of God’s grace and goodness for all people. As we are disciples in this 21st century, what does it mean? How are we most effective? What difference can we really make? How can we know that we are actually making the difference we have been called to make? And, how do we have it be meaningfully fruitful and fun? Explore with Pastor Rob what it is to be such a functioning follower of Jesus as our time continues to evolve into God’s emerging future.


Led by:
Pastor Rob Carlson

Week 1: Explore what Jesus taught about following him: as a Disciple. 
Week 2: What it is to live functionally into such a life today: in Discipleship. 
Week 3: Wonder about impacting others because of our emerging faithfulness as did the earliest of followers: being Disciple-Makers. 
Week 4: Walking alongside others: through Discipling. 

Prior to class, suggest reading either of Richard Rohr’s books, “The Universal Christ” or “Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount.” Both are available on Amazon.

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