Benevolence Leadership Team allocates $10,000 to help our neighbors in need in 2020

(2020) Since the beginning of the pandemic, many people have donated beyond their regular giving to special areas like our “local hunger” fund. Besides our Food Shelf, that fund supports hunger needs in our surrounding communities.

Because of your generosity, the Benevolence Leadership Team was recently able to allocate $10,000 to three groups including:

  • $3,000 for Meals on Wheels: dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger
  • $3,500 for Sheridan Story: fills the gap to food access for children on weekends and extended breaks
  • $3,500 for Involve MN: serves the homeless and vulnerable with needed resources and connections (especially food during this pandemic)

Having connections with these organizations, we are confident this money will be used wisely to address important local hunger concerns. Thank you for your generosity!