SOTV provides outstanding children’s Christian education programs ranging from age three to grade 12. The 2018-19 program year begins this month, and we expect around 1,000 kids to participate.
GodZone is our fun, creative, and interactive Christian education program that runs during the school year. All children age three (by September 1) through fifth grade are invited. GodZone utilizes a highly relational large and small group model to nurture children in faith and community. High school students and adults volunteer their time as “Crew Leaders” to help lead our children as they build a rock-solid faith in Jesus.
After grade 5, students are invited to Confirmation, a four year program for youth in grades 6 – 9. Confirmation leads to the Rite of Confirmation service in the fall of a student’s tenth grade year; or, at the time when a student feels most ready to confirm his or her faith in God. Confirmation is designed to help students name and grow their unique, God-given gifts, with the invitation to use those gifts for service in the church and in the world.
Students in grades 10 – 12 are strongly encouraged to continue growing in faith by staying involved in church community. Many of our high school students lead younger groups of students in Confirmation and GodZone. Also, SOTV offers small groups specifically for high school students to continue their faith formation through Bible study, small group discussion, and fun!
Your General Fund gifts keep our programs for young people running strong. Thank you for your continued support and for helping our ministries thrive!