Did you know…our nursery accommodates different ages at different times. (2019)

(2019) We offer qualified, caring childcare in our nursery, often free of charge, during worship and many events. The number of children, space, and staffing requirements help us set safe guidelines:

  • Worship: On Sunday mornings when GodZone is in session, we care for children between ages 1 and 3. All children are welcome in worship, and older children can also participate in GodZone. When GodZone isn’t available, we generally allow other ages to be in the nursery. Volunteers are welcome, especially during our busy times!
  • Events: We often offer free childcare during events held at SOTV, when children are registered at least a week before the event. Age ranges are generally flexible. Check the registration tied to the event to see if age guidelines are in place.

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