This past summer, our Endowment Fund made its first grants to support our mission. Included in those grants were funds to enable SOTV youth and adults in youth ministry to attend a Peer Leadership Ministry Conference.
Report from the Leadership Conference
The conference was held at St. Andrews Lutheran Church on April 24, 2017. Four high school students attended: Cate Jarema, Sophia Sanchez, Ainsley Schwerr, Jade Gerlach; supported by Pastor Randy Brandt.

Ainsley Schwerr (pictured on the left) took classes to learn about leadership and anxiety. She has already applied these skills while working on 4-H activities. Since the conference, Ainsley has been motivated to think about ways to integrate faith into her everyday life.
Pastor Randy describes the conference as being unique by giving high school youth leadership roles in every aspect of the event: welcoming and registering participants, leading the opening worship and mixer activities, and helping lead every breakout session. Two SOTV students helped plan and lead one of the breakout sessions, and all four students were small group facilitators, practicing their leadership skills.
Support from our Endowment Fund
Christian Education is one of SOTV’s ministry goals that is supported directly by the Endowment Fund. In addition to sponsoring attendance at the Peer Leadership Ministry Conference, the Christian Education designation of the Endowment Fund supported summer camp scholarships, plus purchased computer and sound equipment used by youth ministries.
Members can support youth leadership development by making contributions to the Endowment Fund and designating them toward Christian Education. These gifts will be invested to create a permanent income stream that will assist in developing youth leaders now, and in the future.
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