Face Masks, Face Masks, Face Masks (2020)

(2020) We hear about them in the paper, on television, and in general conversations. Wear them or not, buy them or make them, will they keep us or others safe? These are questions that we are asking in this time of uncertainty.

Now the CDC has changed its guidance on face masks to recommend that all Americans wear some kind of cloth face covering in public to avoid transmitting the coronavirus to others. A basic cloth face covering is recommended for use in settings like stores, where it is difficult to avoid coming into close contact with others. Our residents in nursing homes, senior living centers, and group homes, as well as those who care for them, are very vulnerable and need to wear a face covering. The children in hospitals and schools, and the staff in clinics and hospitals are all requesting face masks.

When the Shepherd Quilters from SOTV got wind of the urgent need, they decided to take on the challenge of sewing masks for those requesting them. God provided the quilters with the desire to reach out to help in this pandemic we are living in. Sixteen people responded positively to the call for help. Lois Pedersen’s garage was designated as the central location to get patterns, elastic, bias tape, fabric, and to drop off completed masks.

Then the miracles began to happen. The first week, 72 completed masks were delivered. The next week 163, then 144, 280, and so on. On the side, these sewers made and delivered over 500 face masks to other favorite organizations they donated to individually. In just 5 weeks, this group of ladies have completed and delivered 2,004 face masks. As fast as they can make them, Kari Slotten and Maureen Hansen pick them up and deliver them to fill requests from needy facilities.

God’s hand has been prevalent in other ways. The need for elastic became apparent when the quilters used up all the elastic in their homes and the homes of friends and relatives, then a plea went out to SOTV about our need. Just like pennies from heaven, 2 large spools of over 100 yards each were delivered to church and another 288 yards had been ordered for our use. The next day, more elastic was donated by a quilt shop in Hutchinson…so much elastic we thought we had plenty to share with the world! When the last elastic from all these deliveries was cut into 3 yard or 10 yard bundles, another delivery of over 100 yards arrived. Amazingly, we have gone through over 800 yards of elastic! It is so obvious that God provides when He knows we are doing His work here on earth.

As the days go on while we try to open up our country again, more masks will be needed. There are promises of more elastic arriving in the next couple weeks, we have extra fabric available, and more willing hands who can sew are needed! If you’re interested, Call Lois at 952.236.8993 or email loisped@gmail.com to volunteer, learn more about the Quilters, or donate elastic.