Facilities Updates 2021

The allocations to Facilities and Outreach grow until they are needed for appropriate projects.

The Properties Leadership Team has approved two projects to be paid for by Capital Fund allocations to Facilities. The 1996 addition of the roof over the Narthex and the perimeter of the Sanctuary will have a complete replacement January 2021 (weather permitting). This should address the leaking and ceiling damage many have seen in the Narthex. Also, we will replace the north sidewalk and add an ADA compliant ramp in the spring of 2021 (when weather allows). Any questions regarding either of these projects can be directed to our Facilities Manager, Don Dawson, at don.dawson@sotv.org.

Thank you for your generous support of our Capital Campaign! Now that the campaign has ended, you can continue to help us pay our mortgage and care for our facility by donating to the Capital Fund at sotv.org/give.