March 2020 Pack the Pews for the MN Food Share Campaign

Throughout March 2020, we plan to Pack the Pews with food as part of the MN Food Share Campaign.

How you can help:

  • Monetary donations: we suggest checks include “Local Hunger” in the memo line. This will provide the ability to assign designated gifts where most needed, along with setting a priority of the funds to support the SOTV Food Shelf. Give now.
  • Donate non-perishable items. Since we are now a Super Shelf and are trying to offer healthier choices, please consider this when purchasing items for the food shelf. This month we are collecting non-perishable items of all kinds; including toiletries, cleaning products, canned items, and boxed food. Please check expiration dates; we cannot accept food that is expired.

About Minnesota Food Share:
The largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, the Minnesota Food Share March Campaign brings together various community organizations, businesses, and faith communities to help stock nearly 300 food shelves statewide. Minnesota Food Share envisions a Minnesota where all residents have access to healthy food and no one struggles with food insecurity.

About Shepherd of the Valley Food Shelf:
Shepherd of the Valley partners with 360 Communities to operate our in-house food shelf. We typically assist 36 families weekly. For more information, visit