My Experience at the Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics (2019)

By Ainsley Schwerr (2019)

Thanks to the generosity of SOTV, I was able to attend the 2019 Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics in June. This year’s topic was Climate Change. Through lectures, small group discussions, and presentations, I learned how faith and science can work together in a world with a changing climate. I was fortunate enough to have theologians, activists, chemistry professors, and religion professors as our lecturers throughout the week.

The chemistry professors talked about the impact of climate change and new technologies that might help mitigate it. The theologians and religion professors lectured on how the Christian faith doesn’t preclude scientific belief and adherence. The activists brought us new ways to practice sustainability within our daily lives at home.

We were also placed in small ‘mentor groups’ where we had discussions and deliberations throughout the week. The group became really close and had a lot of fun during recreation time. Kids from all over the country attended – I met fellow students from California to New York, and even one from British Columbia!

We were busy almost every hour of the day, in classes and various climate-related activities. While it was an intense week of learning, I loved every minute of it. I would strongly encourage other scientific-minded students to attend next year!

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