News for a New Year (2016)

The Call Committee has conducted multiple interviews over the past weeks as part of the Senior Pastor call process. At this time, our current pastoral staff and selected members of Council leadership will be brought into the interview process to offer feedback to the Call Committee. Due to scheduling needs, we anticipate our next update to the congregation will be in early March 2016. Please continue to hold the Call Committee in prayer during this time of discernment and deliberation. Questions may be directed to

Capital Campaign Update (2016)

Through your generosity, over $3.9 million has been pledged! We now anticipate paying off our mortgage in 5 years, which could potentially save $2 million in interest! Thank you!

There are many things we can accomplish with your generous gifts. Each year, the Church Council will allocate Capital Campaign pledges to the three priorities outlined in the campaign: debt reduction, facility, and outreach. Effective January, 2016, the Council has approved 80% of pledges received will go to debt reduction, 15% to the facility, and 5% to outreach. 

Leadership teams will be prioritizing initiatives in each area over the next few weeks, and this information will be shared with the congregation when finalized.

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