Ordinary… (2020)

(2020) Ordinary.

It’s not a word in our vocabulary right now, is it? Some of us usually revel in the pleasures of the ordinary—the comfortable chair, the good book, the regular routine. On the other hand, it makes the adventurers among us chafe at the bit. In either case, I suspect a return to the ordinary would be music to all of our ears about now.

But, in the meantime, amid all of the uncertainty, we get to do something extraordinary.

Welcome to SOTV’s extraordinary April 2020 News for the Flock!

Since we can only publish electronically there’s lots of color. And because our regular (never ordinary) activities are postponed or cancelled, we have the chance to share more stories and photos!

There’s plenty of news too. News that is really new because we have to do things differently, more creatively, and we are.

Oh, and it’s good news.

Worship, Learn, Connect, and Care still frame our way of doing ministry that seeks to meet needs, change lives, and restore hope in these extraordinary times. There’s never anything ordinary about that. Read on!