Special Needs Ministry Update (October 2021 Newsletter)

Passionate and gifted people have come together to shape and inspire a Jesus-focused ministry to actively invite and support children and adults regardless of diagnosis – and their families – through connections, accommodations, nurturing, and caring. Here are a few things they’re working on:

  • Sunday Forum. Sunday, October 10 at 9:45 am in the chapel was a discussion titled “Supporting Individuals and Families with Special Needs.” Kara Mensink and Joe Gonnella shares their personal stories and offered strategies. Listen now.
  • Volunteer support. Some people need a buddy or mentor to help them participate in church life. Staff or the steering team can help identify volunteers, and offer training and support.
  • Support materials. Team members have created items for worship bags, GodZone, and Confirmation programs to help children adjust and enjoy their experiences.
  • Quiet space. Sometimes children with special needs need a break to reset. We have identified a space available during worship times to step away from the busyness of our building.

So many people – individuals, families, volunteers, and the congregation – benefit from caring support and interactions. If you’d like to learn more about our Special Needs Ministry, please email Kari Slotten at kari.slotten@sotv.org.