Can you imagine going to your doctor with a cough, but the health facility had no way to diagnose the cause of your symptoms? Can you imagine trying to manage your diabetes without a lab that could measure your A1C? What if you were pregnant but the clinic couldn’t test for anemia? A laboratory facility is crucial for accurate diagnosis of disease.
On March 1 (2022), construction begins on the Tungamalenga Dispensary’s new Laboratory Building. The Lab will enable this rural clinic to provide better care for the people in this growing community. Construction is expected to be complete by September.

This project is moving forward after several years of discussion and planning involving SOTV, our partners in Tungamalenga, officials from the Iringa Diocese who oversee their private health care facilities, and government officials from the regional medical board. SOTV has had the benefit of expertise of those involved in developing Ilula Hospital and Nursing School over the past 20 years.
The project is being monitored by a committee that includes both local and regional experts. Dr. Barnabas Kahwage and Pastor Rahai Mgeveke represent the parish. The diocese general secretary and medical officer convene the group, and diocese representatives with legal and financial expertise are also involved. The committee includes an outside consultant with experience in construction of other medical facilities. This committee provides SOTV with regular reports via email and Zoom meetings, and gives us a high degree of confidence that the project is well managed.
We were delighted to learn that after a competitive bidding process, the committee chose a builder withwhom we have a history. The construction company is the same one that built the Mpalapande Primary School. We found that builder to be highly competent, responsive, and timely.
The Lab will be constructed in three phases, as is consistent with other construction projects we’ve experienced.
- Foundation and walls
- Roofing, finishing, doors, and windows
- Painting, plumbing, and electrical installation

Thanks to your generous contributions, over $50,000 has already been collected for this facility. The expected total cost is $64,000, including all consulting and supervision fees. Payments for each subsequent phase are made once the oversight committee approves the work on the previous phase.
How can you help?
- Write checks to SOTV with “TZ Lab” in the memo.
- Give online at to the “20yr Tanzania Anniversary” fund.
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