Collection totals from the February 14 drive through event:
$915 in gift cards for Easter Dinner Ministry
$180 in check donations for Easter Dinner Ministry
$685 in check/cash donations for the Food Shelf
~60 bags of hygiene and cleaning items for the Food Shelf
Quotes from the February 14 drive through event:
“Thank you for braving the cold to give us time at church. I miss SOTV SO…MUCH! Looking forward to getting back to normal, will never take it for granted. SOTV is special”
“A huge thank you to all the hearty souls who braved the coldest of cold to hand out Lent bags”
“These Lent bags are very special, thanks for putting these together to make Lent more meaningful during COVID.”
“Thank you for the delivery of four Lent Gift Bags to our building. We really appreciate having them delivered to us ‘old folks’ who will appreciate having a bag…We appreciate the volunteers who make things easier for us. I look forward to using the bag.”
“We appreciate all that the staff has been doing to keep our church community healthy and involved.”
Quotes from gas card recipients:
“Thank you so much. There is so much need right now in our community, and it is so helpful to have these cards to give to families in need. Last week I gave a few of the gas cards to a parent who, due to some family changes, is needing to drive their child to and from school every day from Lakeville, and finances are a concern. This driving arrangement could go on for awhile, and parent was SO grateful when I offered the gas gift cards — it filled a real need for this family. Thank you for your support of our school community.”
“Please thank your congregation for their generosity, it is so needed right now. I’m so grateful to have these resources to share with our families in need.”