The Capital Campaign is done next month (December 2020)

While the capital campaign ends in December 2020, the need to pay our mortgage and support our facility continues! Please try to complete your pledge, or even consider an extra gift! To give, click here and choose the “Capital Campaign 2015” fund. Thank you!

See what we’ve accomplished together:

Our Capital Campaign will officially end on December 31, 2020!

This journey began well before the campaign kickoff in fall of 2014 with efforts by church leaders and staff to listen carefully through surveys (remember the CAT survey?) and listening sessions to how the congregation wanted to do God’s work now and in the future.

From these efforts, our Capital Campaign theme of “Together, We Can Do More!” was developed. We dreamed of all the mission needs we could address when we don’t need to pay over $300,000 annually to the mortgage. We knew we also needed to address building maintenance needs, and wanted to support mission needs along the way too. We organized volunteers to personally visit members, share information, and invite participation in the Capital Campaign.

And, yes, you did respond with great generosity, ultimately giving gifts totaling over $3 million. Thank the Lord Our God for such wonderful gifts!

Through these gifts we have accomplished much. At the start of the Capital Campaign, SOTV carried a mortgage balance of $4.3 million. Through additional principal payments and the regular monthly payments, the balance on the mortgage now stands at $1.6 million, the lowest level in many, many years! While we have not eliminated the debt, we now can be debt-free in 5 years with just our regular monthly payments.

When monthly gifts to the Capital Fund exceeded our mortgage and other budgeted expenses, we were able to allocate fifteen percent of the surplus toward facility needs. Over the course of the campaign, that allocation totaled $297,000! That money helped with property projects, including parking lot maintenance, building security enhancements, sanctuary updates, and other renovations.

In those same months, we allocated five percent of the surplus toward outreach capital projects. With that money, we were able to build a school in Mpalapande, purchase mattresses for the Dakota County Emergency Shelter, help expand and furnish the Rosemount Family Resource Center, provide new shelter furnishings for The Link, and assist with Camp Wapo dining hall renovations.

Truly, these are wonderful accomplishments that were made possible by the generosity of our congregation, giving of their treasure and of their time to make all this happen. Thanks so much to all who responded with their financial gifts, and thanks also to the many volunteers who gave thousands of hours of their time for the Capital Campaign.

Together, We Did A Lot More!

Although the Capital Campaign is now officially ending, we can continue its work well into the future! If you have not completed your pledge, this is a good time to do so. If you have the ability, please consider giving an extra gift to the Capital Campaign. Future gifts can continue to be designated Capital Campaign or Building Fund, and these funds will be directed to paying our mortgage and supporting our facility. All gifts matter and are wonderful in the eyes of the Lord!

Thank you, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church!

Submitted by David Kuhnau
Capital Campaign Steering Committee Member


Finish your pledge or give an extra gift now!

Visit and designate the Capital Campaign or Building Fund.