The Servant Leadership Program (SLP) at Camp Wapo in 2019

By Rachel Leholm (2019)

“When I imagined going to church camp this summer, I didn’t believe that it would be life changing; but it was.”


This June, I was a camper at Camp Wapo in the Servant Leadership Program(SLP). This means I was no ordinary camper. I was the beautiful mesh between a camper and a counselor for my five days at Wapo. I got the chance to be housed in a cabin of 5th grade girls and experienced most of the activities as their leader. This led to many opportunities that normal high school campers could not experience for themselves. I got to be a part of cabin activities with the two counselors, help with field games, sing and dance in worship, and change camper’s attitudes with positivity (even if the activity was something like cleaning the kitchen).

Aside from being a leader, I got to meet and be with other highschoolers in the SLP program who were just as motivated as me to make a difference in these kids’ lives (which was absolutely amazing). This program allowed us to learn about leadership skills and how to improve them. As highschoolers, we got to play games as a group, break out of an escape room, and go on a canoe outing which involved a picnic in hanging hammocks (my favorite part of the week).

My week in the SLP program was unforgettable. I was in the perfect environment where I could grow as a person, a Christian, and a leader. I no longer had the stress of work, sports, or online life, and I was able to form long lasting relationships with people of all ages. My cabin opened up to me about their faith and life back at home, which was an unreal thing to encounter. Camp was not only a place where I could play capture the flag, swim at the beach, or make friendship bracelets; it was a place where I could practice skills that I can use in any other leadership opportunity that I face back at home. I wouldn’t trade my week at Wapo for anything, and can’t wait to be an SLP again next year.

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