Tips from SOTV Faith Community Nurses (AKA Parish Nurses)

(2020) Make Self-Care Activities a Priority

From: Pat Drake, RN, Faith Community Nurse and member of SOTV since 2008.

Staying at home during this Covid-19 global pandemic is keeping me busy with calling family and friends, watching online church services, decluttering, cooking, and cleaning it seems, everything I touch. Now as the weeks drag on, I’m making self-care activities a priority to build my immunity and resilience.

Let me share a few things I’m doing for self-care. Writing 3 things I’m thankful for in my gratitude journal. Immersing myself in nature at every chance to observe the beauty of birds singing and tree buds popping open. Seeking out the humorous side of situations and laughing more frequently. Taking advantage of time with loved ones at home to listen and play more. Establishing a bedtime routine for good sleep in order to deal with whatever life throws at us. 

Be Gentle & Stay Balanced

From: Kathy Rovenko, RN, Faith Community Nurse and member of SOTV since 2013.

Be gentle with yourself, and try and keep your life as balanced as possible. Get enough sleep (for a healthy adult 7-9 hours), keep hydrated, exercise a few days a week as directed by your doctor, and eat a balanced diet.

Striving for Sanity and Balance in our Upside Down COVID-19 World

From: Becky Wilken, RN, Faith Community Nurse and member of SOTV since 1994.

I find it easy to feel helpless, overwhelmed, and powerless (even depressed and anxious) in these unprecedented times. Though I often fall short, I know how we can do our best to survive and even thrive. God knows I’m much better at giving advice than applying it to myself. This is about progress, not perfection.

In a nutshell: It boils down to consistently doing Fastidious Self Care, Holistic care of our body, mind, and soul. It’s not easy…do it anyway!

What does this look like?   

  • Body: Keep a routine. Do the basics of: getting up, taking care of hygiene and grooming, getting dressed, meals, exercise, bedtime. Treat your body as sacred, caring for it with nutritious food, good rest, daily exercise. Walk (or other exercise as tolerated) to air out your body and mind. Stretch 10+ minutes to keep limber.
  • Mind: Keep engaged and informed, but then turn off the news. Get the facts from experts, then try to let go and get on with your day. Do what is stimulating for your mind (puzzles, podcasts, reading, learning, experiences, etc). 
  • Spirit: Stay connected with our SOTV faith community. Do daily devotions, prayer, meditation. We now have time for in-depth connections with our loved ones and friends. Play the gratitude game: when Bill and I walk daily, we each name 10 things we are grateful for. At first it seemed hard, but has become easier with practice. It’s a mood and perspective changer! Helping less fortunate people helps also.

If you consistently feel sad, unmotivated, can’t get out of bed, or anxious…seek help.

Call your health care provider or an SOTV pastor at 952.432.6351 .