Tiny Try-It-Out: God’s Gifts: using our talents to help others

God asks us to use our talents to help serve others. There are so many opportunities to use our gifts in our community, at SOTV, and even in worship services!
Spend time brainstorming what special talents you have or create a festive turkey with ideas on how to use those gifts out in the world.

Parents, use your own discretion when it comes to your kids. If content is rated for certain ages then we will indicate that. Enjoy!

Pause, light a candle, & take 15 minutes for caring conversation and prayer.

Share: What were your high and low points today?
Read: Ephesians 2:8-10: “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them.”
Reflect: What talents has God created in you? How can you use them to help people or show love?
Pray: “Dear Creator, thank you for giving us many different talents. Help us use them for good! Amen.”
Bless: Trace a cross on each other’s shoulder, hand, or head and say “[Name], you are a beloved child of God.”

For more conversation starters, try Daring Deep Discussions.
For more Bible texts, go to Suggested Scripture Readings.

Going Deeper

  • Write or draw your bag of talents. Read the story The Parable of the Talents (page 316 of the Spark Story Bible or Matthew 25:14-30), and write or draw pictures of the talents you have.
  • Make a turkey with a tail of many talents! Think of ways you can use your talents (to serve in your community, at SOTV, or even ways you can support worship services) and write one thing on each tail feather. Each time you complete an activity, remove that feather from your turkey! See an example here.
  • Sign up to use your talents in worship or elsewhere through Shepherd of the Valley. There is something for every age and ability!
  • Calling all parents and caregivers whose kids whine when you ask them to do something kind for someone else…Read the article “Compelling Your Kids to Serve” to consider how we might “uncover individual passions and strengths, and in turn grow more deeply compassionate and able to serve together as families.”

In “I’m So Little, What Can I Do? / A Story About Serving Others” we see so many ways that little kids make a big difference by using their talents!

As you watch “The Reflection in Me” and then take a look in the mirror, think about all the wonderful gifts God has created in you! You brighten the world just by being—and sharing—who you are.

Let “Take My Life (and Let it Be)” (by Frances R. Havergal; music by Chris Tomlin) be our prayer as we consider all that God has given us, and how we can use God’s gifts to help others.

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