We are still doing our part to share God’s Love (2020)


“Thank you pastors and staff for protecting us and praying for us. We are praying for all of you as well. Your videos and words of encouragement are welcomed and reassuring during these uncertain times. Thank you for all of the work you are doing to keep us informed and worshiping at a safe distance. SOTV is and has been our home for 34 years. We are blessed to have one another! I look forward to keeping in touch with our congregation and staff via social media! May God bless all of you!” – Sue

“Kindness abounds. Neighbors smiling bigger, strangers offering to make a supplies or food run, the laughter in my home as we spend more time with kids, the pets who have never been happier for the extra food, walks, attention and playtime.” – Nikki

“Feeling blessed: Despite the current situation, I’m seeing more people offering to help others. Some are offering to shop for others who are afraid to go out or at a high risk. In my own neighborhood, I am seeing more people out walking and jogging, calls to check on neighbors with little ones, elderly or out of work. Through all this, I stop to enjoy the birds (migration has started), see plants budding up from the garden beds, trees are budding and the grass (which surprisingly is snowless) turning green. God’s hand is in all of these things!” – Mary

“I’m learning how to be less wasteful. Rationing is new to me. It feels good!” – Sue

“I absolutely believe God is in this and wants us to get something out of this time. Family togetherness. Coming together. Reevaluating priorities.” – Trisha

“We must use positive self-talk — ‘I am capable. I am doing my best.’” – Rachel

“God is showing up in the compassion of neighbors who are willing to offer a helping hand with children as their parents go to work. I see God in the Granddaughter buying groceries and picking up an RX for her elderly Grandmother who is in lockdown at a retirement community.” – Chad

“I have felt more connected than ever to our global community these past few weeks. A good reminder that we are ALL the same no matter where we come from.” – Ali

Share your stories, quotes, and notes with us (communications@sotv.org)