Pause, light a candle, and invite caring conversation and prayer. Jesus, who said “I am the light of the world,” gathers with you. When we practice — even briefly — sharing with others about our daily experiences and where we see God, we more readily notice God’s presence and activity in our lives. We grow in our relationships; we grow in faith.
Parents, use your own discretion when it comes to your kids. If content is rated for certain ages then we will indicate that. Enjoy!
Share: What were your high and low points today?
Read Psalm 46:10 (The Message translation). Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.
Reflect: What does it look like for you to take a break and focus on God? How does it feel?
Pray: Dear God, help us to clear away distractions and pay attention to You. Amen.
Bless: Trace a cross on each other’s shoulder, hand, or head and say “[Name], you are a beloved child of God.”
For more conversation starters, try Daring Deep Discussions.
For more Bible texts, go to Suggested Scripture Readings.
Watch the September 3 – 4 Good News for Kids for an overview of Candle Time and some ideas for how you might try it out!
Discover more ways to experience Candle Time in the Good News for Kids from September 24 – 25.
Enjoy the SOTV worship band’s rendition of “Go Light Your World” by Chris Rice. How does your Candle Time practice send you into the world?
Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod