Grandparent Tiny Try-It-Out: Milestones

God is with us in Life’s Highs & Lows

Life is filled with mountaintop highs, valley lows, and lots of places in between. Milestones coincide with times of transition, endings, and new beginnings, that can bring joy or sadness or a complicated mix of emotions. As we mark milestones of every kind, we remember that God is with us and God loves us, no matter what.  

Ideas for Grandparents

Consider these ideas for honoring Milestones that you can incorporate into your own unique circumstances:

  • As a regular caregiver for little ones: Enjoy the book I’m Happy-Sad Today and try to name the feelings that come with a recent or upcoming milestone (first steps, moving to a big-kid bed, a lost tooth, etc.).
  • From a distance: End your next FaceTime or Zoom call with a breath prayer, a reminder that God is with us through every high and every low.
  • With older grandkids: Get crafty together to create a 3D finger labyrinth that is a great tool for prayer during times of change and a work of art.
  • As a way to share your life story: Recall significant highs, lows, milestones, and transitions from throughout your life. Create a timeline with those times marked and described, with notes about your feelings at the time and how you noticed God’s presence or how your faith was impacted. Share these stories with your loved ones. (If they have gone through Confirmation at Shepherd of the Valley, they may have done this exercise, too!)

How will you use Milestones to practice faith with those you love?

Needed: Helpers in the “Growth Garden” station for Vacation Bible School.
This summer our VBS curriculum is based on the Parable of the Sower – and PreK through 5th Graders are planting seeds each day! We’d love extra hands to help with this station, and many other VBS volunteer opportunities.
Monday – Thursday mornings.
Week 1: July 10-13; Week 2: July 17-20.
Commit to one morning, one week, or both weeks! Register here.

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