Grandparenting Faith

Dear Grandparents,

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going…” The lyrics of that timeless song, “Pass it On,” come to me when I look at this photo. The song also makes me think of you all – a generation of faithful people who want to pass along a relationship with God and the church to the young people you love. You’re doing it! And we are honored to support you in the journey.

Building Blocks of Faith (Square)

Faith Building Blocks

The Bible, family, church, and community are some of the foundational pieces that give stability and help our faith to grow. It’s valuable to reflect on and celebrate some of things that make you who you are and shape your relationship with God.

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Highlights from Home

Do you have a story or example of an experience of faith shared with your grandchild? Please share! Send your idea to

SOTV Day at the St. Paul Saints
Saturday, August 24
5:00 pm Picnic Dinner / 6:37 pm Game

You’re Invited!

Invite your grandchildren to join you and others from SOTV at the Saints Baseball game! Enjoy dinner, lawn games, and social time at the CHS picnic area. Watch the game from the Outfield Reserve seats behind the 3rd base line. Tickets for dinner and the game are $36/person (under 3 do not need a ticket). Registration and details at Deadline July 22.

Prayer Requests

Each week, the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry staff gathers in prayer for each other, our programs, and your families. If you have a prayer request, please feel free to reach out to me so we can pray for you and your family.

Prayer requests can also be submitted at

Additional Grandparenting Faith Ideas

Click on the below pictures to learn more about the Tiny Try-It-Out topic shown.

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