By Dennis Parkinson (2019)
Over the last 8 years, I have been fighting prostate cancer. It is an interesting journey to be walking in the twilight of my time. I’ve been thinking about legacy. The idea of legacy may remind us of death, but it’s not about death. Being reminded of death is actually a good thing, because death can inform life. It gives you a perspective on what’s important. It helps us decide the kind of life and world we want to live in.
Leaving a legacy is about sharing what you’ve learned, not just what you’ve earned. Consider ways to leave a legacy:
- Live your legacy – children listen most intently by watching
- Live like you mean it
- Keep a journal
- Share family stories with your children
- Be honest
- Ground your purpose in a greater purpose
- Give your family the gift of time
- Live for others
Pastor Lindsey and I will be sharing more on Thursday, October 3 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon) at the Leaving a Legacy Workshop. Please join us as we consider what it means to leave a legacy!
OKs/Seniors October Potluck: Elder Law
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
12:00 pm
Is your estate secure and have your wishes been carefully documented and updated? Rachel Schromen, Elder Law attorney, will focus on the current laws regarding estate planning, long term care planning, medical assistance, medical directives, and power of attorney. Bring a dish to share.
SOTV Endowment Fund: Your Legacy Matters!
Learn how your gifts can continue giving in perpetuity. Pick up a brochure at the Welcome Desk, or visit