Looking for part time employment? (2019)

Since returning to SOTV in 2017, Dannelle Bautista has supported many ministries through her gifts of hospitality. From weekend fellowship to plated dinners, Dannelle has loved the people of SOTV through food. Dannelle and her family have recently relocated north of the metro area. We are seeking to build a dedicated team to continue supporting the kitchen and hospitality ministry.

Do you, or someone you know, have a passion for serving others in the area of kitchen and hospitality? We are seeking candidates 16 and older for part-time hours for a variety of shifts and position opportunities. Some areas include:

  • Coordinate & Plan Events: Collaborate with staff and/or ministry leaders, menu planning, order food items, coordinate volunteers
  • Food Prep & Service: Prepare and serve meals at events, coordinate and lead volunteers, brew coffee, make and serve light refreshments at fellowship events
  • Administrative Duties: Inventory and supplies, ordering, working with vendors, processing invoices, picking up supplies or food items from vendors
  • Cleaning: Light duty cleaning and/or laundering of linens
  • Dishwasher: Run commercial dishwasher, wash dishes, clear tables

If interested, please submit a cover letter and application indicating your interest/experience to jennifer.davidson@sotv.org by October 15, 2019. Applications available at sotv.org/employment.

SOTV is also looking for a part time Finance Assistant. To view the job description and apply, visit sotv.org/employment. Application deadline: October 15.