Love Like Jesus

This weekend in worship, we focus on Care—one of four core areas of ministry at Shepherd of the Valley. Care is defined as showing the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to people who are in difficult situations. As Christians, we are taught to share Christ’s love anywhere we go with everyone we meet. Here are ways that you can give and receive care:

  • Request a prayer at the Welcome Center or online. Your prayers will be kept private if you so wish.
  • Join the pastors, staff, and other“Prayer Shepherds” who regularly pray for members with specific concerns. To join, contact Jill Johnson at (952) 985-7381 or
  • Funeral Luncheons are organized by teams of volunteers. More hands are always needed. Contact Jill Johnson at (952) 985-7381 or
  • Prayer Shawls are knitted for others who need care. If you want to help knit, or have material to donate, contact Jill Johnson at (952) 985-7381 or
  • Quilting Groups meet throughout the year to create quilts for mission trips, hospitals, and local organizations that provide care and comfort for individuals. See quilting group info…
  • Parish Nurses: Led by Susan Ferber, our volunteer nurses are Becky Wilken, Lori Henke, Gale Thomsen, Pat Drake, and Sharon Mertz. A parish nurse is a licensed registered nurse (RN) who helps congregation members to maintain mental, physical, and spiritual health by serving as an educator, advocate, counselor, and other roles. Learn More…
  • Support Groups: people who gather to support one another with concerns including: divorce, grief and loss, depression, cancer, infertility, ADHD/Autism, Down Syndrome, Al Anon, and mental illness. See upcoming meeting times.

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