Small Groups at SOTV

Article from December 2021 Newsletter

Small groups have always had a positive impact on the members in the groups. SOTV has thrived with our small groups. If you are looking to join a small group, here are some upcoming ones to look into: women’s bible study on Tuesdays from January through March, ongoing Saturday Morning Women’s Bible Story, ongoing Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible study, and ongoing Friday morning men’s faith discussion group. Find details and join the groups at and Hear from some of our current small group members.

The Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study group is a great source of companionship, working together by serving meals once a month, being supportive of one another, helping to understand the Bible better, and inspiring a more complete understanding of faith.

Dick W.

I joined the Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study group three years ago after moving to Apple Valley. I didn’t know anyone from the area, except my current wife, Jane. For me it was a way to meet and get ‘connected’ with other men of SOTV and continue the practice of meeting with men to study the Bible as I had most of my life. What a true blessing to me to be a part of this SOTV men’s group!

Bob K.

We are going to try a new small group beginning in February. During online registration (coming in the new year), you will select your desired day and time preference. Some groups will be purposefully organized to experience cross-generational conversation. The group will meet with the same participants throughout the four week study once a week for four consecutive weeks. The conversation includes a check-in, six optional questions (share as you feel comfortable), then close with the included prayer. A facilitator will be in each group. This new group is called Table Talk.

Featured Small Group: Friday Morning Men’s Faith Discussion Group

The Friday morning Men’s Faith Discussion group has its origin in a men’s Bible study series that Pastor Chris Smith started in the very early 2000s. It transitioned into a structured men’s discipleship training program for three years with materials from Elwood Church, which immersed participants in Scripture and many supplemental books. The group eventually transitioned into an ongoing, less structured faith discussion group that sought to continue exploring the wide range of inspiring works provided by a host of Christian authors; almost everything that might fit between Paul Tillich and Rob Bell! That interest to be exposed to new understandings and to be stretched and strengthened in our faith continues to this day.

For most of its history the Friday men’s group met in person. Once the pandemic struck, the group switched to Zoom meetings. This has worked out well, especially for those who are traveling or find it difficult to make it to a central site every week. It’s expected that the virtual format will continue for this group. This makes it very convenient for anyone to participate. A person may join this group at any time.

The Friday morning group’s Zoom meetings are scheduled for 90 minutes (6:30 – 8:00 am) each week. The early start allows guys with daytime jobs to participate before they head off to their respective workdays. We start our sessions by catching up with each other and discussing any pressing issues in our lives; this sense of connectedness and community is an important part of our time together. To have an opportunity to have open, frank, safe discussions with a group of “brothers in the faith” is not an easy commodity to find these days. Our next book will be The Centered Life by Jack Fortin. You don’t have to wait for this new book; join now!

Read the January 2022 newsletter to find our next featured small group: Tuesday morning men’s Bible study group.