SOTV Visited Tanzania

Earlier this summer, four Shepherd of the Valley members traveled to visit our partner parishes of Tungamalenga, Makifu, and Usolanga in Tanzania. Because of Covid, it had been two long years since SOTV has been able to visit our partners in person. The group was excited to see old and new friends, and all the things discussed via Zoom the past couple years.

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Get the Facts on Falling Prevention

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for older Americans. Falls threaten seniors’ safety and independence, and generate enormous economic and personal costs. However, falling is not an inevitable result of aging.

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Staff Announcement for Wes Kimball

Wes Kimball will conclude his role as Interim Youth Director for High School on August 17. Wes will begin his pastoral internship at Mount Calvary Lutheran in Excelsior, MN. Thank you for your ministry, Wes!

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A Neighborly Church (August 2022 Newsletter Article)

Centered in the love of God in Jesus Christ, in our vision statement we describe Shepherd of the Valley as a community that understands itself to be gathered, loved, and sent. While large in size, we are (or, more truthfully, we aspire to be) a neighborly church – the kind of place where you and all people are welcomed in your particularity, treated with gracious respect, and challenged to grow in life and faith.

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