Love God, Love Others (July 2022 Newsletter Article)

Love God, love others. It is the central theme of Jesus’ ministry, and a resounding chorus at SOTV. It sounds simple enough – just two commandments, right? But add in factors like complicated human relationships, personal ego, a bit of doubt or cynicism…and very quickly, things aren’t so simple any more.

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Thank you for helping us celebrate our 10-20-40 Anniversaries!

It has been a fun year to be able to celebrate three important anniversaries in our church history. We celebrated our 10th anniversary of the pipe organ, our 20th anniversary of our Tanzania partnership, and the 40th anniversary of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. We are blessed to have you all along on this journey with us and are on our way to celebrating many more! Read these final updates.

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Pastor Randy Retires After 20 Years at SOTV

In February I wrote to the congregation, “When I was ordained as a Lutheran pastor 35 years ago, I had no inkling of the rewards and challenges, and the depth of God’s grace and love that I would experience through ordained ministry.” So now let me add some details for you of the rewards I’ve enjoyed as a pastor at SOTV.

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Update on Laboratory Clinic Expansion (May 2022 Newsletter Article)

To celebrate 20 years of walking Shoulder to Shoulder with our Tanzania partner congregations, SOTV has raised funds to provide an expansion of the Tungamalenga medical clinic: a dedicated medical laboratory. The foundation is finished and a cornerstone will be laid during a worship service dedication in June with SOTV representatives and the Bishop of the Iringa Diocese participating. The laboratory is at the edge of town, next to the clinic, and a stone’s throw from the Tungamalenga church.

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